Pool Remodelling & Renovations

Do you have an outdated or unpleasing pool? Oceanwave has the knowledge and experience to upgrade you swimming pool into a modern summer oasis. We offer a wide selection of upgrades to suit everyone homeowners needs. The sight of an outdated or damaged swimming pool can be an eyesore, hazard and overall weight on a homeowner’s shoulders. Oceanwave can resolve and pool issue that concerns you. Turn your backyard into something that pleases you and everyone thats lucky enough to enjoy it.

Some pool and spa remodelling possibilities:

  • Removal of existing concrete or delaminating stairs and installation modern fiberglass stairs

  • Removal of zonolite pool bottoms, replacing with concrete

  • Removing aluminium or brick copings, replacing with concrete cantilever coping

  • Hot tub and spa concrete canisters and copings

  • Hot tub and spa upgrades

  • Vinyl liner replacements

  • Energy efficient equipment upgrades

  • Complete automation

  • Chlorine to salt water conversions

  • Wireless monitoring

  • Halogen white light replacement with coloured low voltage LED pool and spa lights

  • Ladder, slide and diving board upgrades

  • Anti-intrapment main drain installations

  • Winter safety cover installation

Call or email today with any questions regarding your pool remodels or upgrades!